Every Unique Element Holds a Tale

I am not sure if you heard, but we started Crabby Bags by mistake!

When the pandemic first started, we were so busy trying to wrap our heads around our new life of “working from home”-- Between computer issues, long zoom meetings and trying to pass the 5th grade online – Mommy and Dad were “home” but we undeniably were “Not Available.”

Kani was 10 years old at this point and we could tell he was becoming bored with his lunchtime options of sandwiches and cups of noodles. So, we started looking for quick ways to meal prep lunch for the kids. Living in Louisiana, seafood is something we normally eat on a weekly basis and we all constantly crave for it.

The concept of our seafood boil in the bags all started with a memory! I remember this one time I made a low country boil with some veggie steam bags to eat for my lunch one day back when we were in the office. I remembered how much my co-workers raved about how good it smelled and how I was using the “steam-bag concept” was very clever. This made a lightbulb come on in my head. I immediately logged into Amazon and purchased some steam bags and had Lafayette make a large low country boil batch for the family. We were stuck in the house, bored, and just renewed our Costco discount, so he cooked more than we needed . I had a good amount left, so, like any normal person would do, I put them in the freezer. We had so much left over, I gave a few bags to some friends, and oddly everyone was so amazed with this “seafood boil …in a bag.” I’m always dreaming and coming up with something. I decided to contact a supplier and keen in on the idea. We received our first test batch of bag. I made some fun labels online and purchased 25 of them; because, why not? We can not go outside, so it was something fun to do to kill some time. Believe it or not, I mistakenly let our website domain from our business pre-covid auto-renew. Seeing that I already paid for it, I through a website together for fun. Overall, I just thought it was cute. I figured it would be a nice thing to sell to my friends. I saved a bag to take to my best friend Kim house the next time it was ok to stop by. Well a few weeks later, that day came and her beautiful, smart, kindhearted daughter, Desiah <@desiahmarie on tiktok> said “Let’s make a tiktok”, so we did. Within 60 minutes of her posting our 20.8 second video, we went VIRAL.

Every Single Piece has a Story

It all happened so fast yall, we were just meal prepping for the kids! And within ONE HOUR our entire lives changed FOREVER. Something as simple as watching a video, sharing a post, or leaving a comment can change everything for small businesses. We’ve had a few small businesses; and they were all fairly successful, but not like this!!

We LOVE yall so much. Thank you for even clicking on this website. This internet thing is so unpredictable and with a blink of an eye, your entire lives can change. If you made it this far, we wanted to let you know, “Keep going, Keep dreaming, and Keep trying. You are the heart of what we do. Without you, Crabby Bags would cease to exist. It will always be our pleasure to cook for you. From the bottom of our hearts, please know that we are so grateful for your support. None of this would be possible without people like you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making all this a reality.

Warmest Regards,

Lafayette, Keish, Kani, Keyvon and Kyrie  Warren

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